Retirement, Now What?

I remember when I was working,I couldn’t wait to retire. Most of working people feel like that. They are constantly saying "I can't wait to retire!!!" Hey, that might be you! But do you know what to expect when you retire? Do you know how you will feel when you retire? Do you know what you will do to fill the vacancies in your daily life that will exist when you retire? I ask those questions because there are so many people who will retire soon and don't have a clue. 

Retirement should not mean that you fade away. Retirement means that you are about to have a fantastic change in your life. It has been just that in my life. At first it was scary, I was about to start a brand new chapter in my life. Retirement can bring on depression for many new retirees. Many will not know what to do with themselves because their work was their lives. They missed their colleagues and the role that they played at their place of employment. That is because they thought that their jobs were their whole identity.

I missed the same lifestyle,that I wanted to get rid of everyday. My lifestyle consisted of a daily six hour commute. I drove to 20 minutes to the bus station,  I rode for 1 hour and 40 minutes on the bus to Manhattan,  I then took two trains to Brooklyn and I then walked 3 long blocks to my place of employment. And then when I stepped into that building,for 7 hours, I did not know what surprises would exist that day. When I look back I can't believe that I missed that! Although, I must admit, I miss a few people that I still keep in contact with.

Retirement means changing routines that you have had for many years. Retirement means letting go of "stuff".  Retirement means bringing new people into your life. Retirement means living differently, hopefully better. But is it that simple? 

Being retired could and should be a rewarding time, especially when retirement is filled with entertaining and worthwhile activities. I believe the key is having an Emotional Retirement Plan. You have a financial plan; you have savings,a pension and/or social security. Why not have an Emotional Retirement Plan? The saying is, "If you fail to have a plan, you plan to fail." Unknown. How can you fail at retirement? Why would you let yourself fail at retirement? 

You deserve to be Retired&Lovinit, like me.